
St. Patrick School curriculum of studies for all grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade includes core classes of Religion, English Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies/History. Additionally, Wellness/Physical Education, Spanish, and Technology, are taught. Classes are minimally fifty minute class periods. Supplemental software programs have been made available in math and reading for remediation and enrichment.

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All Saints' Day

Faith Formation

Faith Formation through daily Religion classes, service projects, and participation in weekly All School Mass and other liturgical services is a high priority at St. Patrick School. Prayer and religion is encouraged and integrated in all subject areas and extra curricular activities.

Img 2877English Language Arts

Primary English Language Arts have class minimally one and one-half to two hours during the day and includes a Literacy Center. Grades fifth through eighth English Language Arts have a double fifty-five minute class period. Writing is emphasized across the curriculum in all grades.

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Mathematics is scheduled for minimally fifty minutes of instruction for all grades. Grades Seven and Eight are tracked and allow eligible students to take the Freshman Honors Algebra if the student meets the requirements.

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The Science program is inquiry based, hands-on, and involves collaborative learning. STEM (STREAM) projects are included in the program to help keep current with today’s program of learning.

Img 2705Social Studies

Social Studies/History has moved to a digital textbook to keep current with today’s ever changing world and to increase availability of resources for enriched learning.


Spanish is offered each week for all students. The program includes the study of Spanish cultures in addition to the study of the language.

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Technology education is provided twice each week for students in grade Kindergarten through Fourth Grade and once a week in Grades Fifth through Eighth. Students have the use of 1:1 technology for their classwork. All students are taught digital safety and media literacy within their classes and across the curriculum.

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D.A.R.E. Graduation 2019

Health Education

Health education is incorporated in Science, Wellness/P.E., and other classes across the curriculum. When available, the D.A.R.E. program through the Washington Police Department has been made available to Fifth Grade through Eighth Grade.

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Physical Education is provided to all students; daily in the primary grades and twice per week in the upper grades. All classes meet at least minimally the weekly minutes required by the Diocesean Program of Studies and the State of Illinois. Additionally, an active Athletic program is available for students in the upper grades. Students in Sixth through Eighth Grade can participate in the athletic activities. Some athletic programs are available to Fifth Grade as well.

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Band is available on an elective basis for students in grades five to eight. Jr. High Choir is also an elective for students in grades five to eight. An introductory choir experience has been made available for interested students.